Barbie McKennie-Harmon affectionately called "Lady Harmon" is an inspirational voice to women every where she goes. A Pastor's wife for 23 years, Lady Harmon has taught Sunday school, Bible class and organized many women fellowships over the last 30 years. Passionate about Women's Ministry, she has a contagious passion to pour out the gifts that God has birthed in her through teaching and sharing the word of God. She is committed to helping women of all denominations, nationalities, age groups, and backgrounds grow emotionally, spiritually and relationally.
Lady Harmon is married to Rev. Shelly Harmon, Pastor of the Miracle Center Church. Their son Nickolas is currently studying at Illinois State University (“ISU”).
Lady Harmon loves family, friends, reading and shopping but none of these are before her love for God and His word.
It is through education, encouragement and instruction that we help people grow, achieve and succeed!
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